About The ExpressBagger®

The ExpressBagger® has been field tested to provide three times the output compared with traditional methods. Plus, this production level is sustainable over a long period because the ExpressBagger® system creates less physical fatigue. The chart on the right demonstrates the incredible difference in production when using the Express Bagger®:
The ExpressBagger® is made of high-molecular weight polyethylene, a flexible, resilient, thermoplastic material. It’s also adjustable, as seen in the diagram below:
*the numbers show the production of two three-person teams

ExpressBagger® is made of 100% recycled, high-molecular weight polyethylene, a flexible, resilient, thermoplastic material.
• Adjustable heights (from ground to backside of buckets): 28″, 31″, 34″, and 37″
• Bucket height: 15.5″
• Bucket width: 40″
• Bucket length: 16″
• Funnel Width: 5.5″
• Base diameter: 19″
• Weight: 13 lbs.
Customer Testimonials
I wish I would have purchased the Express Bagger sooner!!!
“Absolutely phenomenal. Not just a time saver, but a BACK saver. WOW!!!! It is worth every cent.”
- Pam W, California
Would recommend it to others!
“It speeds up the process. Before, one person had to hold the bag while the other shoveled into it. This makes it go faster.”
- Michael Sweeny of Sam Houston Equestrian Center
Would recommend to others. Really love the product!
“It is more convenient. Basically two guys knocking out sandbags. More efficient. Not one [guy] trying to hold it open while the other man shovels. It is very difficult [the traditional way]. It [the ExpressBagger®] triples your production of sandbags. Six thousand sandbags to make on the job. You can knock them out real quick. Better time saver for us. You got your sand, your sandbag, you can knock out 400-500 [sandbags] in no time.”
- Cory Rushing of TECS, LLC